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Post Graduate
Admission to the educational level Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, Ph.D)
A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, Ph.D) is the most common degree at the highest academic level awarded following a course of study. PhDs are awarded for programs across the whole breadth of academic fields. Because it is an earned research degree, those studying for a PhD are required to produce original research that expands the boundaries of knowledge, normally in the form of a thesis or dissertation, and defend their work against experts in the field. The completion of a PhD is often a requirement for employment as a university professor, researcher, or scientist in many fields. Individuals who have earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree may, in many jurisdictions, use the title Doctor (often abbreviated “PhD, Ph.D”)
The department trains highly qualified scientific personnel – doctors of philosophy and doctors of technical sciences. Scientific supervision is carried out by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Pasechnik V.A., Prof. Ravskaya N.S., Prof. Mayboroda V.S., Prof. Devin L.M
Preparation is carried out:
1) for citizens of Ukraine at the expense of:
funds of the State Budget of Ukraine – by state order for work in the state sector of the national economy;funds of legal entities and individuals – on the basis of a contract – for work in the state and non-state sectors of the national economy;
2) foreigners and stateless persons on the basis of:
international treaties of Ukraine;national programs;agreements concluded by higher educational institutions, scientific institutions with legal entities and individuals.
Admission to learning “Doctor of Philosophy”
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” holds an admission to learning “Doctor of Philosophy”
by government order:
- Postgraduate students are enrolled for training under the state order, aimed at training NTUU “KPI” or other budgetary universities and scientific institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MON of Ukraine);
- The obligations of the postgraduate student and NTUU “KPI” are determined by the agreement, which provides for the timely completion of work on the dissertation, postgraduate students of the daytime budget form work out 3 years after completing their postgraduate studies at a university or state-owned institution
without government order:
- on the basis of contracts concluded between NTUU “KPI” and those entering postgraduate studies, which provide for full reimbursement of the costs of their training
- documents for the competition for postgraduate studies are submitted with a letter of guarantee from the enterprise, organization to reimburse the costs of training a contractor;
- the average cost of training a contract soldier is updated annually
Entry exams
Applicants to graduate school take competitive exams:
- specialty
- philosophy
- foreign language